Register transaction

The register transaction is part of the NULS proof of credit (POC) consensus and will allow us register a new agent node. We can use the following methods to set it up:

  • ".agentAddress(address: string)" The address of the agent node account, we will need to have access to this account when we decide to unregister the agent
  • ".rewardAddress(address: string)" The address of the reward account where the rewards of mined block will be sent (if not specified, this will be the same than agentAddress)
  • ".packingAddress(address: string)" The address of the packing account (this should be different than agentAddress)
  • ".commission(commission: number)" The percentage of commission that the agent node will take from stakers (should be between [10, 100])
  • ".deposit(deposit: number)" The amount of NULS needed to be deposited to register the agent node (should be equal or greater than 20k NULS)
import { RegisterTransaction, nulsToNa, TransactionReceipt, TransactionConfig, Utxo, UTXO } from 'nuls-js';

const agentAddress: string = 'TTauR9mch7zkdybYBV44fzBnWuXvhGHy';
const rewardAddress: string = 'TTaj7AS6N1b7Eg4h1QP4gNUDVYMNkiqu';
const packingAddress: string = 'TTapLEYvTYhAPZY7Kn3B7VDFZf1JBzWe';

const transactionConfig: TransactionConfig = {
  api: {
    host: ''

const utxos: UTXO[] = await Utxo.getUtxos(fromAddress, transactionConfig.api);

const tx = RegisterTransaction

// 4

const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await tx.send();


We dont need to set up a change address, it will be implicitly setted by calling the .agentAddress() method. If you want to override it, just call then .change() method as usually.