Alias transaction

The alias transaction allow us to give an alias to our accounts, we have to pay a fixed fee of 1 NULS for doing this operation (apart from the common transaction size fee). The only thing needed to be configured is:

  • ".alias(address: string, alias: string)" The address of the account to be aliased and the alias itself as plain text
import { AliasTransaction, TransactionReceipt, TransactionConfig, Utxo, UTXO } from 'nuls-js';

const fromAddress: string = 'TTatokAfGRC6ACmqaoXqWniAEwqSvzrc';
const privateKey: string = '040b12fa6405badc1328904f05ef45e89e0606cfe4f03cd5f97bf20a04611c74';

const transactionConfig: TransactionConfig = {
  api: {
    host: ''

const utxos: UTXO[] = await Utxo.getUtxos(fromAddress, transactionConfig.api);

const tx = AliasTransaction
  .alias(fromAddress, 'My nuls account')

// 3

const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await tx.send();


We dont need to set up a change address, it will be implicitly setted by calling the .alias() method. If you want to override it, just call then .change() method as usually.