Data transaction

This kind of transaction allow us to store some custom business data in the NULS blockchain, it is preferable to use other mechanisms to achieve this, like storing the heavy data in IPFS, and just use DataTransaction to store the IPFS hashes that link's us to the content. To use this kind of transaction we need to use the following methods to set it up:

  • ".data(data: JSON | Array | string | Buffer)" The data to be saved in the blockchain. It can be a valid javascript JSON object, an Array, an hexadecimal string or a Buffer of bytes
import { DataTransaction, TransactionReceipt, TransactionConfig, Utxo, UTXO } from 'nuls-js';

const address: string = 'TTatokAfGRC6ACmqaoXqWniAEwqSvzrc';
const privateKey: string = '040b12fa6405badc1328904f05ef45e89e0606cfe4f03cd5f97bf20a04611c74';

const transactionConfig: TransactionConfig = {
  api: {
    host: ''

const utxos: UTXO[] = await Utxo.getUtxos(fromAddress, transactionConfig.api);

const tx = DataTransaction
    id: 0, 
    type: 'my-business-data', 
    content: 'NULS rocks! I can store whatever I need :D'

// 10

const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await tx.send();