Payable methods

The contract payable methods are those which has an inputed cost in gas concept. Once we have created an instance of the smart contract we can just call that kind of methods like if they were part of the javascript class instance methods.

This methods are a high level abstraction interface to help the developer to interact with smart contracts. Every time we call this methods, a ContractCallTransaction is generated and broadcasted to the NULS network under the hood.

As we need to spend some of our balance calling this method, it is necessary to provide some extra information to perform the signature and configure the gas price and gas limit.

The last argument passed to this kind of methods is an object to configure the call properly. We can use all the options from this two interfaces to achieve this.

export interface ContractConfig {
  api?: IAPIConfig;
  sender?: string;
  privateKey?: string;

export interface ContractMethodCallConfig {
  sender?: Address;
  value?: number;
  gasPrice?: number;
  gasLimit?: number;
  remark?: string;
  listener?: PromiEvent<any>;

As you can see, we can configure not only the gas, but the amount of NULS sent to the contract (value property), the api where we will send the call, and even to add a remark to the resulting transaction. We will talk about the listener param later.

import { Contract, PromiEvent, nulsToNa, TransactionReceipt } from 'nuls-js';

const senderAddress: string = 'TTatokAfGRC6ACmqaoXqWniAEwqSvzrc';
const senderPrivateKey: string = '040b12fa6405badc1328904f05ef45e89e0606cfe4f03cd5f97bf20a04611c74';
const contractAddress = 'TTazCA6Azw13FxGeseUPuv1hiuyovKYD';

const contract = await;

const tx: PromiEvent<TransactionReceipt> = contract.buyTickets('1', {
  sender: senderAddress,
  privateKey: senderPrivateKey,
  value: nulsToNa(1)

tx.then((txReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => {
  console.log(`Transaction ${txReceipt.hash} successfully mined`);
}).catch((e: Error) => {
  console.error(`Transaction error: ${e}`);

If we are going to call the contract multiple times, we can set up the sender and private key in the contract global config.


const contract = await, {
  sender: senderAddress,
  privateKey: senderPrivateKey

const tx1Receipt: TransactionReceipt = await contract.buyTickets('1', { value: nulsToNa(1) });
const tx2Receipt: TransactionReceipt = await contract.buyTickets('2', { value: nulsToNa(10) });
const tx3Receipt: TransactionReceipt = await contract.buyTickets('3', { value: nulsToNa(0.77) });


All payable methods are async and returns an special type called "PromiEvent", you can read more about how to handle this type of response in the basic concepts of transactions section of this guide.

The principal benefist of using the Contract class to call contract payable methods instead of doing a ContractCallTransaction are two:

  • Method call validation
  • Automatic gas estimation
  • Automatic utxos calculation

Method call validation

Before broadcasting the transaction, a validation of all the arguments types and a simulation of the call is performed in a NULS node and the result of it is sent back to NULS JS. This way we can verify if everything has gone fine and predict the result of sending the transaction to the network before having sent it and without having wasted a single NULS from our account.

An exception will be thrown if something goes wrong in the next scenarios:

  • If some of the argument type does not match with the expected ones
  • If the necessary gas to call the method is greater than the specified gas limit
  • If there are some error evaluating a require(boolean expression, String errorMessage) or revert(String errorMessage) method in the internal business logic of the smart contract, the custom error message will be included in the error thrown by NULS JS

Automatic gas estimation

If we don't specify any gas limit in the last argument config when calling the method, NULS JS will perfom an automatic gas estimation and will set up it as gas limit for us. This way the amount of NULS spent to call the method will be more accurated and a later refund will not be necessary.

Automatic utxos calculation

The utxos of the sender account will be auto calculated before sending the transaction. So we dont have to worry about get thems and compose the transaction from thems.