Create/Import Account

The account class can handle the complete account generation, importing, decrypting and encrypting for you. There are only two parameters which are accepted, PASSWORD and PRIVATE_KEY in their respective order. If you do not provide a password the account created will not be encrypted.

The default addressType is 1 and chainId is 8964. You can change these yourself by providing them as parameters, read Address Type and ChainId.

Quick Start

import nuls from 'nuls-js';

const Account = new nuls.Account();
const fooAccount = account.create(); // Creates an account
const barAccount = account.create(PASSWORD); // Creates an account with a password
const bazAccount = account.import(null, PLAIN_TEXT_PRIVATE_KEY); // Imports a plain text private key
const quzAccount = account.import(PASSWORD, PLAIN_TEXT_PRIVATE_KEY); // Imports a plain text private key and encrypts it
const flobAccount = account.import(PASSWORD, ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY); // Imports an encrypted private key

Create a New Account

Accounts can be created easily on the frontend without calling any server. It should only be done by the user without interacting with any server to get the best security measures.

const Account = new nuls.Account();
const fooAccount = Account.create(); // Creates an account
const barAccount = Account.create(PASSWORD); // Creates an account with a password

Without a Password

To generate a new account you can call the Account class.

const Account = new nuls.Account();

// {
//     address: 'Nse1TYHc6Rxs84iimrnygSF2kqrUAQM6',
//     privateKey: '889bba933b77da1360e1fc6314552f3d777a099cca82dcf594c6f3e3287b3c97',
//     publicKey: '02d772f1649c142494483e358b915573f5ba1573c71951117fc9a7db804fc3e64b'
// }

With a Password

To generated a new account encrypted with a password you can provide a plain text password as the first param whereafter you will receive a private key both in plain text and encrypted.

const Account = new nuls.Account();

// {
//     address: 'Nse1TYHc6Rxs84iimrnygSF2kqrUAQM6',
//     privateKey: '889bba933b77da1360e1fc6314552f3d777a099cca82dcf594c6f3e3287b3c97',
//     privateKeyEncrypted: 'b39747ac8e9aa114f6a173d29f57d70082de584704b399b6de0a51804f45f9b24eca1a53ed8b64e9c73b8297b8cc3faf',
//     publicKey: '02d772f1649c142494483e358b915573f5ba1573c71951117fc9a7db804fc3e64b'
// }

Import an Account

You can import an existing account by using the private key. The private key can be encrypted or decrypted, if you provide just the private key it must be decrypted, if you provide an encrypted private key together with its password it will decrypt the private key, if you provide a password and a decrypted private key it will import it and encrypt the private key.

const Account = new nuls.Account();
const bazAccount = Account.import(null, PLAIN_TEXT_PRIVATE_KEY); // Imports a plain text private key
const quzAccount = Account.import(PASSWORD, PLAIN_TEXT_PRIVATE_KEY); // Imports a plain text private key and encrypts it
const flobAccount = Account.import(PASSWORD, ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY); // Imports an encrypted private key

Unencrypted (plain text) Private Key

You can provide the unencrypted private key in plain text as the second param in the Account class.

const Account = new nuls.Account();

console.log(Account.import(null, '2d5ed8706749f6d7c096772a075c027f56fae4148bacbf6c78b59df09f84b07b'));
// {
//     address: 'Nse8Ar5XvuPdDCYcTnkK4LDwDNZqTqYx',
//     privateKey: '2d5ed8706749f6d7c096772a075c027f56fae4148bacbf6c78b59df09f84b07b',
//     publicKey: '033f4031d22289befe017472bb954b59d9ba043ce67fbc60c50ee3a48c56b89b1f'
// }

Encrypted Private Key

If the private key you're providing is encrypted with a password, you can provide the password in the first param in plain text and the encrypted private key as the second as before.

const Account = new nuls.Account();

console.log(Account.import('Password1!', '6f1a067690b4481de3743de3f015da5f172d939b5b1b4842c16977278a9c1fb914adc6079df87c70ab6cef422d6add01'));
// {
//     address: 'Nse8Ar5XvuPdDCYcTnkK4LDwDNZqTqYx',
//     privateKey: '2d5ed8706749f6d7c096772a075c027f56fae4148bacbf6c78b59df09f84b07b',
//     privateKeyEncrypted: '6f1a067690b4481de3743de3f015da5f172d939b5b1b4842c16977278a9c1fb914adc6079df87c70ab6cef422d6add01',
//     publicKey: '033f4031d22289befe017472bb954b59d9ba043ce67fbc60c50ee3a48c56b89b1f'
// }

Encrypting an Unencrypted (plain text) Private Key

If you want to encrypt a private key you can provide the password and unecrypted private key, the account will then be imported and encrypted.

const Account = new nuls.Account();

console.log(Account.import('Password1!', '2d5ed8706749f6d7c096772a075c027f56fae4148bacbf6c78b59df09f84b07b'));
// {
//     address: 'Nse8Ar5XvuPdDCYcTnkK4LDwDNZqTqYx',
//     privateKey: '2d5ed8706749f6d7c096772a075c027f56fae4148bacbf6c78b59df09f84b07b',
//     privateKeyEncrypted: '6f1a067690b4481de3743de3f015da5f172d939b5b1b4842c16977278a9c1fb914adc6079df87c70ab6cef422d6add01',
//     publicKey: '033f4031d22289befe017472bb954b59d9ba043ce67fbc60c50ee3a48c56b89b1f'
// }

Address Type and ChainId

You can create or import accounts under different address types or chainIds by providing them as parameters into the create or import functions as such:

const Account = new nuls.Account();
const fooAccount = Account.create(PASSWORD, ADDRESS_TYPE, CHAINID);
const barAccount = Account.import(PASSWORD, PRIVATE_KEY, ADDRESS_TYPE, CHAINID);

Create a Custom Address

Address strings are randomly generated, but we can loop until we find an address that matches our requirements. Check out the documentation for the method to discover what parameters are available for the method. Below is an example for finding addresses which end with the string josh where case sensitive is not an issue. This will return the first address found, but be aware the longer the string then the harder it is to find, as well as making it case sensitive and setting the position to start.

const Account = new nuls.Account();

// const fooAccount = createCustomAddress(MATCH_STRING, PASSWORD, CASE_SENSITIVE, MATCH_POSITION);
const fooAccount = Account.createCustomAddress('josh', 'Password1!');
Find all josh addresses until the script is killed
const Account = new nuls.Account();

	const account = Account.createCustomAddress('josh', 'Password1!');
